You are invited! Are you ready to give up a gift and give a gift to a poor child?

By Naomi Corera, December 5, 2015

Dear Friends, bring your family and join us as we aim to keep Christ in the seasons of Advent and Christmas. Amidst the deluge of commercialism bombarding us, let it not eclipse the true meaning of the Christ Child’s birth in a poor, lowly stable. Let us be the light who brings hope to poor families.

Saturday, December 19th, 5-7p
St. Thomas Parish Hall
Come join us after at 5p or after the 4:30p Mass. All are invited, the young, elderly, and all in between.

Before we begin the season of indulging in delicious foods and big presents, let us pause and eat a simple meal of rice and beans with family and friends, and share in the simplicity of our brothers and sisters in Africa who eat this daily.

Your gift of a free will donation will help a child and a family with the basic needs of water, shelter, and education.

“Let the children come to Jesus through their poverty.” Children are invited to come dressed as poor shepherds. Please bring a plate of cookies to share.


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