Our Lady Of Lourdes Chapel and several other updates

By Naomi Corera, May 30, 2018

Hello Friends and Partners in Mission,

Greetings! Thank you for your kind gifts to make our work with the children possible. Wonderful memories as my Kindergarten students of 2005 from SHEPHERD MONTESSORI have all graduated from HS! Congratulations to them and wishing them God’s Grace as they journey on…

Exciting happenings in CWE

  1. We began the week with the joyful-blessings music and singing at the ground breaking ceremony for Our Lady of Lourdes chapel for the Bishop Asili students. Now they will have a proper and Holy place to worship each day.
  2. A family of 4 from Holland MI and another young teen from Chicago will be visiting us for one month. I am busy making plans for their mission trip.
  3. 4 new Entrepreneurs! Each unknown to each other have all registered their business as DIVINE…!! They believe only through Divine Providence have they been given this Golden opportunity to own their own business!
  4. Another new admission to the Mountains Of The Moon University in Fort Portal in Business Administration.
  5. 2 students have completed their Diploma as Mid Wives!
  6. 3 more students still in school-Diploma courses.
  7. 30 desks purchased for Msgr. Bala Secondary School
  8. Invited to a US citizens Town Hall meeting. Met the US ambassador to Uganda Ms. Deborah Malack. CWE was the only 100% foundation there! I introduced CWE and all our projects accomplished just with generous friends from Church and school-with no US government funds. All were amazed and clapped after my talk. I asked the ambassador how volunteers like CWE can also be connected and receive US government funds for Electric Power.
    She introduced me to Mark Massick the USAID-CFO Let’s hope he can help us.

Now that I am “Boots On The Ground” I do a lot of travelling – very challenging and tiresome. But it’s very important for me for accountability to see and know where your funds go and how it is being utilized and keeping you informed.

Kind Requests for Mahogany Church Pews-(50) Church vessels -and Church vestments for-“Our Lady Of Lourdes Chapel” Total-$5,000.

Thank you once again dear friends. Each night you are remembered in my prayers for you and your family.

God Bless you,


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