Drumming up support for Ester’s surgery

By Naomi Corera, October 15, 2016

Hello dear friends, here is Esther the tailor, the best tailor in all of Kenya! She has no eye ball in one eye and with just one good leg she pedals
away to keep sewing to feed her 6 children and 2 of her deceased brother. CWE took her to the surgeon to inquire about fixing her broken knee of 3 years. Esther did not beg she kept on working in spite of her physical disabilities, and of course trusting in God! Esther has suffered for 3 years! The surgeon assured us that in 3 months he can have her walking, but first the surgery is required. So if you are so touched and can help–the operation will cost just $800. Please contact Naomi to give Esther the BEST CHRISTMAS GIFT! God Bless you all and please pray for the success of this operation.

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