Children Waiting in Uganda with physical disabilities

By Naomi Corera, July 19, 2017

Last week as I visited St. Theresa’s Primary School, I was so saddened to see 12 children with physical disabilities in the various classrooms. Although their conditions would have been treated at a younger age in wealthy countries, their poverty has kept them from getting the necessary and proper care. So I spoke with the Sisters of “The Daughters of Mary” who run the school and heard about the sad plight of these children.

So thanks be to God, on Friday Sister Maria Goretti and I will hire a van and take the children and one parent each to Corsu Hospital in Kampala. The journey is six hours. On Monday the doctors will review each case and decide if surgery is possible to correct the child’s defect. Please pray that all children will be accepted for surgery. This is another new project for Children Waiting Everywhere. We all know and believe that God is the ultimate Healer! Your gifts once again making a positive change in a child’s life!

Keep them in your prayers.

God Bless you all.


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